The USB Condom
Tested. Working fine.
The apk file
An apk file is created with GREAT help from
You can download the blueprint from here.
This apk file contains 3 images which comes together as a live wallpaper. Yet, it is not shown until the user press the "set as wallpaper " button.
This apk file contains 3 images which comes together as a live wallpaper. Yet, it is not shown until the user press the "set as wallpaper " button.
However, adjustments should be made to better match the project design. For instance, show the contained images directly once the apk file is installed.
Project Description briefly updated
Might Be a Spy is a project launched to address the vulnerability of smartphone charging through USB connections. As part of the project, a charging booth equipped with a pre-programmed ic is placed in public. While the charger is connected to a supporting device directly, this apk file would be automatically installed on the connected device.
A set of warning images would pop up on the screen; however whilst the connection is made through a provided USB condom, the project setup would function as a normal(safe) charging spot.
Might Be a Spy presents an earthy, yet conceptually distant and unenlightened technological threat as an actual experience to users. Thus, it gives an example of low-tech, analog solutions to tackle digital pitfalls.
Risky Items
1) How to program the push-download & installation of the apk file??
Arduino command line build not yet tested
Seems to be complicated with reference to the Arduino Playground...
2) How to modify the apk file?
Which part should I modify so I can skip the need to manually setting the images as the wallpaper?
Arduino command line build not yet tested
Seems to be complicated with reference to the Arduino Playground...
2) How to modify the apk file?
Which part should I modify so I can skip the need to manually setting the images as the wallpaper?