2016年3月15日 星期二

ideas for final project

1.  Before it Happn

Happn is a new dating app with make matches of users based on their GPS location in 250m radius. (for which registration for app and future login is bound to Facebook account)

The info they request from Facebook includes: public profile, friend list, email address, birthday, work history, photos(uploaded by user/tagged in), personal descriptions and Likes. Among the list, only public profile is mandatory requirement, while the other could be denied by user.

The project is to raise awareness towards the recent trend incident of student's suicide in HK. It will create a set of pseudo profiles of teenagers & young-adults who are suffering depression/with suicidal tendencies on the new dating app Happn.

Source of inspiration:

link to learn more about Happn:

2.  CCTV Bogy

"I'm sorry security people, I put up some bogey just to annoy and entertain you"

